Hans Baumann Literary Estate
The literary estate of Hans Baumann, author of young adult books, was donated to the International Youth Library by his daughter in 2011. Baumann’s estate contains numerous original manuscripts in various stages of revision, as well as reviews of his works. The estate includes the voluminous manuscripts of novels such as “Die Höhlen der großen Jäger” (The caves of the great hunters), “Der Sohn des Columbus” (The son of Columbus), “Flügel für Ikaros” (Wings for Icarus), “Gold und Götter von Peru” (Gold and gods of Peru), as well as manuscripts of his poems, translations and songs.
Aside from materials that document Baumann’s life and works, including the controversy concerning his role as an author during the national socialist regime, the estate also contains numerous written correspondences, including letters from Antoni Boratyński, Heinrich M. Denneborg, Michael Ende, Annegert Fuchshuber, Josef Guggenmos, Erich Kästner, Juri Korinetz, James Krüss, Max Kruse, Jella Lepman, Benno Pludra, Otfried Preußler, Marcel Reich-Ranicki, and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker.
This estate can be researched via database Kalliope.