Feb 22

Special for school classes

NotenTexte. Odyssee - Scenic concert for kids


Poor Odysseus had not expected this: After ending the ten-year Trojan War with a ruse, it takes him another ten years to finally get home. On his odyssey, he encounters all kinds of mythical creatures that do not always mean well for him. How does he manage to free himself from his predicament?

Based on 4 scenes of the Odyssey, harpist Magdalena Hoffmann and concertmaster Thomas Reif tell one of the most famous heroic stories to chamber music on 47 plus 4 strings in their self-developed scenic concert.

Thomas Reif, violin

Magdalena Hoffmann, harp, concept & narrator

For school classes and children at the age of 5 - duration approx. 1 hr.
In German.

Presale has not startet yet. More information via BRSO

Start: 9 am and 11.30 am
Jella Lepman Hall (IJB), € 4 per child
Tickets under +49 89 89 12 11 0 / fuehrungen@ijb.de

A cooperation of the International Youth Library Foundation and the Symphonieorchesters des Bayerischen Rundfunks

© Photos: BR/Astrid Ackermann